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Five Coping Strategies for Divorce Stress

Five Coping Strategies for Divorce Stress

Meet Kristina Murr Overwhelmed by the emotional turmoil of divorce? Rhodes Law’s trusted counselor Kristina Murr, MS, LPC, CPCS can help! Kristina is a licensed professional counselor and the owner of Awaken Counseling. Below she shares five coping strategies for the stress of divorce. The emotional toll and stress of divorce can be challenging, but you […]

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Tip to Settle Your Divorce: STOP TALKING

So, you want to settle your divorce case? Picture this: You and your spouse had a major blowup. You’ve been kicked out of your house and served with divorce papers. Hiring a lawyer will cost a fortune. You really want to settle your divorce without breaking the bank. Your phone is blowing up every hour […]

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General Warranty versus Limited Warranty Deeds

General Warranty versus Limited Warranty: What’s the difference between these two types of deeds? Both a general warranty deed and limited warranty deed make a specific promise about giving clear title to the property. Both deeds contain a promise that the grantor is conveying clear title to the property. But, the difference between the general […]

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“Equitable Division” What Does That Mean Anyway?

Half Our Stuff Most people walk into a divorce negotiation assuming that “Equitable Division of Property” means they will “get” or “give up” half of everything, but many are surprised to learn just how many different ways there are of dividing by two.  To begin with, what is “everything?”  Does it include personal debts like […]

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Warranty Deed vs. Quitclaim Deed: How are they different?

Many people think that a warranty deed and a quitclaim deed are interchangeable legal documents, but they are not. You can read all about the basics of a real estate deed HERE. To begin to understand the difference between a warranty deed and a quitclaim deed, remember first the difference between the grantor and the […]

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Arbitration vs. Mediation: Which Option Better Suits You?

Arbitration vs. Mediation: Which Option Better Suits You? Why consider arbitration or mediation to resolve your divorce case? At mediation, you settle your case by agreement. At trial, a judge decides your outcome. Arbitration is more like a trial; instead of a judge, an arbitrator finalizes your divorce case.  First, let’s define arbitration and mediation. […]

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My Lawyer Won’t Call Me Back: A Common Complaint

The State Bar of Georgia hears more complaints dealing with attorneys not returning client phone calls than any other complaint. The reality is, unfortunately, some attorneys simply refuse to return client phone calls.  There are a number of reasons for this, all bad. Below, I offer some suggestions on how to get your lawyer to […]

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Adultery: What Role Does it Play in Divorce?

Before the advent of the “no-fault” divorce, divorcing spouses had to show a legal reason for the divorce. The party requesting the divorce had to show adultery, cruel treatment, habitual substance abuse, or other legal grounds.  In the late 1960s to 1970s, many states adopted the “no fault” divorce.  In Georgia, this ground for divorce […]

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Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend Is Hurting Your Divorce Case

  I know that you are in love with your new boyfriend/girlfriend and so happy. BUT, your new relationship is hurting your case. News flash: you are getting a divorce…from your spouse. And in a divorce, you’re going to have to work out some sort of resolution with your soon-to-be ex. Almost all divorce cases, […]

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Coronavirus and Your Divorce Case

Coronavirus threat? What’s the worst that could happen? There’s nothing like the threat of a widespread Coronavirus epidemic to throw a monkey wrench into your divorce case. I’m kidding, a little bit. So far, so good. But maybe you’re a worrier and like to think through worst-case scenarios. So, if this Coronavirus situation gets worse, […]

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