Pet Custody in Divorce: Who gets the dog?
Does Georgia allow pet custody in divorce? Not really. Dogs, cats, and other pets are legally treated as marital property and are generally subject to an equitable division of property. (Read more about equitable division.) That means the dogs and the dishes all get divided up together. Pet Custody in Divorce To the dog lovers […]
Grandparent Rights: Extended Family Custody and Visitation
How can you get grandparent rights in Georgia? Can an extended family member take custody rights away from a parent? The short answer is yes, but it’s very difficult. Third party custody cases arise when a child’s family member brings a case against the child’s legal parent to obtain custody of the child. Family Members […]
Legal Descriptions: Identifying Land in Deeds
Legal descriptions are paragraphs in deeds that identify the exact land conveyed. Most of them begin like this: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 143 of the 17th District and 2nd Section of Cobb County, Georgia and being more particularly described as … A legal description describes where […]
Realtor for a Divorcing Client: Ask Before Listing
Advice for Realtors You’re a realtor for a divorcing client and you’ve just signed a Listing Agreement for a great home in a neighborhood that sells itself. You’ve sold here before, and you know that houses here will go under contract within days of listing. Like magic, you list the property and an eager qualified […]
Ice Cream and Anxiety: Tracy’s Story
I grew up in a house in the middle of a soybean field in Taylorsville, Georgia. My father had only one place he wanted to live after he settled down, and my mother had only one place she did not want to live, so it worked out for them. Growing up, my only neighbors were […]
An Estate Administrator and Her Grandfather’s Mess
Gerald was a man well ahead of his time in 1941, and he’s got the blended family to prove it. His granddaughter Linda is now serving as the Administrator of her mother’s estate, and she’s cleaning up Gerald’s mess of ex-wives and real property he left behind after he quit this mortal realm in the […]
Initial Consultation: A Strategy Session That is Client-Focused and Forward-Thinking
At Rhodes Law, we begin all of our cases with a Divorce Consultation, which we also call the Strategy Session. We don’t offer free consultations because they waste* your time and deliver no actual value. Free consultations are just a bait-and-switch scheme to get you into a lawyer’s office. Our first meeting or consultation with […]
Free Divorce Consultation Is a Waste of Time
You need a divorce lawyer, and you think maybe a free consultation will be right for you. But, you don’t know any lawyers, and you have no idea how to choose the right one. You know you have a big problem, and you need someone to help you fix it. So you get on Google and […]
Courtroom Layout: Who Sits Where?
Going into a courtroom for the first time can be an unsettling experience. The rooms are large and often overwhelming, and their layout is both confusing and intimidating. Here, we hope to demystify the courtroom layout and walk you through the courtroom from back to front. The Public Seating Area You will enter most courtrooms […]