Family Estate Planning
Every time I close a case in my office, I always advise my client to review his/her will and estate planning documents. Major family events like divorce, remarriage, and birth/adoption of children can impact the ways in which property is handled upon death. Further, it is critically important for parents of minor children to think […]
Doing What I Love … And Loving What I Do
One of my great professional passions is helping fathers obtain and exercise their custody rights. I believe that the influence of a loving and involved father is an invaluable benefit to children and the mothers of those children. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to represent a wonderful dad and help him obtain […]
Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em: Defending Your Private Property Rights
Suppose your neighbor builds a privacy fence just about a foot over your property line. You don’t really mind because it’s less for you to mow, and it’s not worth having a disagreement with a good neighbor. You decide not to say anything. You have now started the process of giving away your private property. […]
Relocation and Child Custody: Moving Out of State
Video on Relocation and Child Custody If you’re a divorced parent thinking of moving out of the state, you’re also thinking about relocation and child custody. How will your move affect your parenting time and relationship with your children? Relocation will usually look like one of the two scenarios for the moving parent: You are […]
Parents Behaving Badly: When to Utilize Law Enforcement
Q: Should I call the police to make a report that my ex was 30 minutes late for visitation? A: No. Never. Very little is more frustrating for parents and custody lawyers than unnecessarily dramatic visitation exchanges. Some parents have such a high level of conflict between them one parent insists on exchanging the children […]
People Don’t Change: The Spouse You Married is the Spouse You Divorce
Once there was a rabbit and a snake. The snake was looking for a warm place to hide when he found the rabbit’s hole. He called down to the rabbit, “Please rabbit, share your rabbit hole with me. I am cold and tired, and I will freeze to death out here.” The rabbit said, “No […]
Alimony is Dead: Women, You Need to Pay Attention Here
My fellow women, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is time for a reality check: Alimony is not going to save you if you get divorced. I believe in true love and committed relationships. But, I also believe: You must be able to take care of yourselves financially! One of […]
Adultery: What Role Can It Play in Custody Determination?
A husband or wife going through a divorce is often angry, outraged, and appalled by the conduct of the other spouse and many times, a party wants to know how the presence of adultery will affect custody. As with just about everything in the law, the short answer is that It Depends, and Most Likely […]
What’s Mine is Mine: Marital and Non-Marital Property in Divorce
Many divorce cases require a factual determination of what assets (or debts) are marital or non-marital separate property, and these issues range from the very simple to highly complex. The general basic rule (with several exceptions) is that property acquired during the marriage is marital property, and it has to be equitably divided in the […]
Legitimation: A Stumbling Block for Fathers
One of the great myths concerning child custody is that a father’s name on a birth certificate always results in legal rights. In fact, unless the parties are married at the time the child is born or after the child is born, a father’s name on a birth certificate means little other than “This is […]