My Lawyer Won’t Call Me Back: A Common Complaint
The State Bar of Georgia hears more complaints dealing with attorneys not returning client phone calls than any other complaint. The reality is, unfortunately, some attorneys simply refuse to return client phone calls. There are a number of reasons for this, all bad. Below, I offer some suggestions on how to get your lawyer to […]
Custody Emergencies and How to Avoid Them
Don’t wait for a custody emergency to call a lawyer. What are some of the signs that an emergency custody situation is brewing? Custody Emergency Indicators: Your ex is growing increasingly uncommunicative and unpredictable. You frequently do not know your child’s whereabouts when with the other parent. Your ex threatens to “disappear” or […]
The Biased Judge: Divorce and Custody Drama
A biased judge can ruin your chances of success in your case. If you’re taking your divorce case to trial, chances are you’re going to a “bench trial.” A bench trial is a trial before a judge only and not a jury. And, if you’re going to trial, it means you haven’t been successful at […]
Grandparent Rights: Extended Family Custody and Visitation
How can you get grandparent rights in Georgia? Can an extended family member take custody rights away from a parent? The short answer is yes, but it’s very difficult. Third party custody cases arise when a child’s family member brings a case against the child’s legal parent to obtain custody of the child. Family Members […]
Penny Wise and Pound Foolish: 4 Expenses You Should Not Spare in Divorce
Getting a divorce is expensive. It has a profound financial impact on your life; instead of one house payment, your family now has two. If you and your spouse don’t agree on how to divide the marital property, then you’re looking at a contested divorce. In a contested divorce, it’s critical to prepare your case for […]
When DFCS Calls
As a family lawyer, I dread for my clients the Department of Family and Children Services and its involvement in my clients’ lives. Few things can strike more fear in a parent than a call from DFCS, especially wherein the assigned caseworker will refuse to provide any information and say nothing more than, “We want […]