

Marietta Divorce Attorney

Divorce is a Frightening Prospect. People approach divorce with so many concerns:

  • How do I take care of my children?
  • Where will I live?
  • How do I preserve my nest egg?
  • How much is a divorce going to cost?
  • How long will it take?
  • What if I don’t want this?

What does it mean to file for divorce?
Grounds for Divorce in Georgia
View a Sample Divorce Complaint

Property Division in Divorce

Many divorce cases require a factual determination of what assets (or debts) are marital or non-marital (separate) property, and these issues range from the very simple to highly complex.

In Georgia, marital property is subject to “equitable division.” Equitable does not necessarily mean equal. What each party receives as “equitable division of property” depends on many factors: the amount of assets and debt to be divided, any separate assets available to either spouse, and the needs and conduct of each spouse.

More about Property Division in Divorce
4 Expenses You Should Not Spare in Divorce

Child Custody and Child Support

How do I protect my children?

Child custody is one of the most emotional aspects of a divorce. Parents worry about where the children will live, how much time they’ll be able to spend with each parent, and how the children will survive the changes a divorce represents. That’s where we come in. At Rhodes Law Firm, we will guide you through the tricky maze of child custody, ensuring, first and foremost, that you maintain your parenting relationship with your children and that you get to see them and talk to them every day.

Factors to Determine Child Custody
Why is Child Support So Complicated?
More about Child Custody and Child Support


Georgia recognizes several different types and terms for alimony: permanent, periodic, temporary, lump sum, and gross. Some of these terms mean the same thing as other terms while others are drastically different. Make sure your divorce settlement agreement is specific about what type of alimony you are paying receiving.

Death Knell of Alimony
Wait, I WANT Alimony: How do I Get It?

Adultery and Divorce

Infidelity can be a major factor in divorce cases, but it is not necessarily the deciding factor for a favorable or unfavorable outcome. In apportioning property, dividing debt, determining child custody, and awarding alimony, the Court considers many factors including the parties’ conduct before and during separation and their contributions to the marriage.

The Role of Adultery in Divorce
Adultery and Child Custody Determinations
How Lying About Adultery Can Ruin Your Case

Nontraditional Families

Gay & Lesbian Relationships
Grandparent Rights & Third-Party Custody
Unmarried Parents

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